EURO-MOULDERS, the European Association of Producers of Polyurethane Parts for the Automotive Industry and EUROPUR, the European Association of Flexible Slabstock Polyurethane Foam Producers – are pleased to announce the dates for the Annual European Flexible Polyurethane Industry Conference 2025 and are welcoming proposals for technical presentations.

The next EUROPUR & EURO-MOULDERS Annual Conference will take place on 4-5 June 2025 in Alicante.
Companies interested in giving a presentation should write to before 30 November 2024. Presentations cannot have a purely commercial focus, and must address topics related to slabstock or moulded polyurethane production. As usual, presentations related to carbon footprint reduction, health & safety practices in foam factories, innovations in raw materials and machinery developments will be given a priority.
More details about the upcoming event, including venue information, speakers, and registration details, will be announced in the coming months. EUROPUR & EURO-MOULDERS look forward to welcoming industry leaders next year in Alicante. The event will be kindly sponsored by the company Interplasp.