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11 June 2024

EURO-MOULDERS Members Elect New Board of Directors

Istanbul, Türkiye

11 June 2024

For immediate release

Today, at the EURO-MOULDERS General Assembly, members elected a new Board of Directors  for a mandate of three years. The new Board of Directors is composed of 9 members: 8 representatives of moulded PU parts manufacturers for the automotive industry and 1 representative of associate members – raw materials suppliers to the industry. 

Helge Pfeiffer from Fehrer is elected as President of the association. Next to him, the Board of Directors consists of:

  • Jean-Christophe Lhommeau (Adient) – Vice-President
  • Ali Keyfoglu (Toyota Boshoku) – Vice-President
  • Esther Quintanilla (Dow) – Vice-President
  • Jaouad El Harfi (Forvia) 
  • Sergio Rodriguez Perez (Grupo Copo)
  • Massimo Gilardi (Toscana Gomma)
  • Emre Yilmaz (Elele)
  • Sven Kunath (Proseat)

“I would like to thank the Members for electing me to serve as President of EURO-MOULDERS for the next three years”, said Helge Pfeiffer. “We have to continue to promote polyurethane as the great and versatile material it is for many automotive car parts, but we certainly do not lack challenges in the upcoming years. On one hand there is the ongoing challenge of improving the sustainability aspect of polyurethane, pushed both by our customers and the legislation. The draft End-of-Life Vehicles Regulation that is on the table must be improved if we want to achieve the set sustainability goals. I also hope that the newly elected EU policy makers will recognise the political urgency and implement the European Industrial Deal, so Europe will remain a continent of industrial production – and a more resilient economy to imports overall. I am confident that the new Board team is best suited to lead our organisation to find effective solutions the whole industry will benefit from.”

EURO-MOULDERS Board of Directors; (from left to right) Sven Kunath, Ali Keyfoglu, Massimo Gilardi, Helge Pfeiffer, Jaouad El Harfi, Emre Yilmaz, Esther Quintanilla, Jean-Christophe Lhommeau

For more information contact Damir Andrasek, Communications Officer (


Founded in 1998 and located in Brussels, EURO-MOULDERS has been representing the moulded PU parts industry and been providing a platform to discuss and act on the major issues related to production and use of moulded polyurethane parts for more than two decades. EURO-MOULDERS’s members are Tier 1 and 2 manufacturers of moulded polyurethane parts for the automotive industry, ranging from car seating to acoustic insulation and dashboards. Our members operate the majority of moulded foam plants for automotive seating in Europe.