15 June 2018

Eric Van Lancker new President of Euro-Moulders

Eric Van Lancker new President of Euro-Moulders

On 11 April 2018 the Board of Directors of Euro-Moulders unanimously elected Eric Van Lancker from Recticel Automotive as new President of the Association, effective as from 11 April 2018. Mr Van Lancker succeeds long-standing President Renato Ravicino.

Esther Quintanilla (Dow), Jean-Christophe L’Hommeau (Adient) and Helge Pfeiffer (Pro-Seat) were elected as Vice-Presidents.

During the last General Assembly meeting of Euro-Moulders, Eric Van Lancker, Vice-President Sales & Marketing at Recticel Automotive and Board Member of Euro-Moulder for more than a decade, was elected as new President of the association.

The Board of Directors thanks the outgoing President Renato Ravicino for his leadership and major commitment to Euro-Moulders throughout the years and looks forward to continued support from him as a member of the Board.