23 September 2015

Call for papers annual event 2016

The next annual conference of EUROPUR and EURO-MOULDERS will take place in Brussels from 7 to 9 June 2016. Members of both associations are herewith invited to save the date in their agendas. The event will be quite special, as we will also celebrate the 50 years of EUROPUR at that occasion. The celebration of this anniversary will be sponsored by Covestro.

The main theme of the event will be Circular Economy, in line with the regulatory priorities of European Commission for our industry. All organizations interested in presenting at the event (members and non-members) are herewith invited to send proposals/abstracts for presentations to Michel Baumgartner (m.baumgartner@europur.org) before 30 November 2015.

After that date, the organization committee of the event will look at the abstract and select the presentations to be given at the event. A preference will be given to presentations relating to (parts of) the life-cycle of flexible polyurethane foam, such as for example innovative raw materials, production equipment or recycling / end-of-life treatment technologies.